(See the end of Chinese paragraphs for English translation.)
今天(6/30)上午品安和 宋國鼎律師 苗栗縣議員 、邱顯智立委一起和代表菲律賓政府的馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處(MECO)留文克代理代表(Gilberto F. Lauengco)、高雄分處賴愛仁處長(Irene S. Ng)、台中分處勞工部比恩賽波主任(Bienvenido. A. Cerbo Jr.)及佳蕊副主任(Rosario C. Burayag)會面,並在下午陪同MECO的貴賓一起到縣府與陳斌山秘書長、勞工及青年發展處彭德俊處長及勞工服務科楊文東科長會談。
In Wednesday (June 30) morning, I met with MECO's Acting Resident Representative Mr. Gilberto F. Lauengco, Kaoshiung Extenstion Office's Director Ms. Irene S. Ng, Philippine Overseas Labor Office's Director Mr. Bienvenido. A. Cerbo Jr. and Deputy Director Ms. Rosario C. Burayag along with my councilor colleague and a legislator. I also accompanied MECO's visit to Miaoli County Government the same afternoon, where we met with its Secretary General Chen, Director Peng of Youth and Labor Development Division and the Division's Section Chief Yang of Labor Services.
There are close to 23,000 migrant workers in Miaoli (over 15,000 work as industry labors). Among all these migrant workers, about one third are from the Philippines. Mr. Lauengco had previously discussed this visit with representatives of Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand on Tuesday, and they all expressed concerns through MECO on the issues in relation to the recent capacity reduction and relocation of KYEC and Senhua dormitories, and on the County Government's controversial movement prohibitions against migrant workers. MECO also proposed a communications platform where the participation of workers, MECO, brokers/employers and the County Government could facilitate the workers' voice being heard, and relevant issues could be resolved with MECO and the County Government's joint mediation efforts with the brokers/employers.
I was actually rather embarrassed during the meeting with MECO. Over the past few weeks I have publicly questioned the County Government's movement prohibitions against migrant workers, and have done my best in asking, through the County Government, that the brokers and employers correct the issues resulting from dormitory capacity reduction. Despite this, several incidents still occurred in which the workers' rights were compromised, and were even covered by international media.
The movement prohibition is now cancelled and alert level 3 measures currently apply. However, the corrective actions required in relation to KYEC's Fullbee 1 dormitories, which violate government regulations, still require urgent attention. Sources indicate that KYEC and Senhua are currently looking for suitable replacement dormitories, and are expected to relocate close to 400 workers this weekend. I have received several messages from the workers, who do not wish to be moved, but while I understand that the workers may be shaken after the last chaotic relocation, we really cannot allow them to keep staying at dormitories which are against regulations and with safety concerns.
Epidemic prevention in relation to migrant workers is the jurisdiction of Ministry of Labor in the central government, but the Ministry is placing all responsibilities on the employers and brokers. I understand that all these employers and brokers must have encountered many challenges for this reason, and the Ministry should really work on improvements in this regard. As for Miaoli's migrant workers, MECO will now provide assistance, and I hope that KYEC and Senhua could manage the upcoming relocation and the associated epidemic prevention work. Going forward, I will also continue to work, both with MECO and through the Country Government, on this issue with the workers' voice in mind.
division of labor 在 百工裡的人類學家 Facebook 的最讚貼文
到 1974 年,菲律賓政府無力處理經濟危機,出口產業深受打擊,失業率高企,於是決定向海外輸出工人,初時政府只視之為短期措施,待經濟向好或會收回,但政策一直維持至今。菲律賓工人一般能夠操流利英文,有的更是大學畢業,受海外僱主歡迎,香港是其中一個主要目的地。香港初時的外傭數目不算多,1982 年時大概只有 2.1 萬人,到 90 年代香港成為國際金融之都,出現更多中產家庭,1995 年外傭數目已多達 15.7 萬,當中 84% 是菲律賓人。
南加洲大學社會學教授 Rhacel Parreñas 曾提出過一個概念:「再生產勞動的國際分工」(International Division of Reproductive Labor)。所謂「再生產勞動」,一般泛指照顧他人的工作,包括無酬家務勞動、社區育兒、照顧老幼和病患的護理工作。再生產勞動的價值時常被人忽視,但其實是整個社會經濟活動得以維持的關鍵。從前,這些任務重擔通常落在本地女性身上,但 Parreñas 指出,全球化令到家務勞動也變成國際分工。
發達國家女性投入職場變得平常,女性獲得經濟自主,卻未有改變家務勞動的性別定型,發達國家只是把家務勞動轉移到別國女性。Parreñas 把女性勞動者分為三類。最高級是發達國家中產女性,可以享用外傭的家務勞動。第二級是海外女傭,她們在發達國家受到剝削,也要和自己子女分離,但在家鄉卻是最富裕的一群人,有些人甚至會在家鄉請工人。而最低級是留在發展中國家的女性,她們沒有能力到外國工作,在本國受到剝削之餘,又要照料自己家庭。
division of labor 在 鴨頭 嘉人 Facebook 的最讚貼文
That's why you lose.
Today, it's not like work know-how, but I would like to talk about the movie ′′ a in the town ′′ that I'm in the middle of the day, and I'm going to have a good time.
I was originally a manzai teacher, writing a manzai, and a master who raised me is a playwright called ′′ goto hiroto...... so I also wrote the script of the stage......
I'm going to change my job to a picture book writer, draw a picture, draw a story, and make a picture book song too.
This is the one who made the song. Hallo Halloween ′′
There's a prop guitar in the theater dressing room, so I can play guitar while I'm touching the free time.
By the way, I was able to make a theme song for the picture book ′′ Phantom Railway ′′ which was made one after another, so please search for it on Youtube.
I'm working like that, so my role in the movie ′′ a in the town ′′ is going to be busy called ′′ Original Script Production General command promotion lyrics,"
Sometimes it's said that sometimes," there's a ghost writer!" lol
As for this, it means ′′ Nishino can't make such a wonderful thing," so it's only a compliment, but unfortunately, I don't have a ghost writer.
If you are in the middle of labor, you are publishing ′′ division of labor,"
It's better to be.
It's better to have a lot of creators think ′′ I want to participate in nishino's work so I'll definitely name the person.
Sometimes you don't put it out, but it's if you shouldn't put it out.
For example, in the notes section of the video of ′′ a no-′′ that I uploaded to the youtube channel three days ago, besides the lyrics, there is only the name of the staff of ′′ songs, lyrics, arrangement, choreography ′′ I'm sorry.
There is no name of lighting, art, or costumes.
It's just that it's a place to put information on music.
If you write all the names of the staff involved, it will be about 80 people.
Oh well, so in case of ′′ cm I don't put the name of the basic, staff.
At the end of the tv commercial, ′′ it's the same as not going out with director.
It's just that if you write a story or make music, I don't have anyone called ′′ Ghost writer
I think it's a rare pattern, but even in the ′′ business book I don't hire a writer.
It's more overwhelming to write yourself, because my work is reduced.
If you don't have a performance or anything, you can write it in 5 TO 6 hours if you don't mind a business book that sells 5 million
I'm just going to make a character of my experience and thoughts already in my own.
It may be ′′ key!" but," it's a ghost writer, and people who think about it, are compound, flirting, family trip, and watch the shows. I've been fighting for a battlefield where I'm going to die when I'm talking about talent adultery, and I'm studying the exam without thinking about anything.
It's been about 20 years, average working time is 19 hours.
So, this 20 is," 20 years that I've been throwing away the winning pattern," and the job that grabbed the trick is more and more throwing away, and it's been 20 years since I've been trying to challenge the new area I'm sorry.
So, it's obvious that the overwhelming difference in the ability and knowledge is born, and I want to say that ′′ effort is rewarded so I don't want to hide it here.
I'm not using a foul trick, but I'm just saying that I'm trying twice as hard as you, so I'm going to have 1000 times the results of you," I'm sorry.
And I don't accept this reality," no no, it's doping... I think something special is working... my life is over without starting for a lifetime. So accept it if you don't like it.
I don't think there's a person who says ′′ I'm doing this kind of effort but I'm going to say it because it's a good opportunity.
There is also a recording of the movie ′′ a in the town ′′ today, but there is a question from the voice actor, and I have to give instructions that ′′ I'm going to have a good time here,"
So I'm going to do ′′ practice to instruct ′′ at home.
I will actually be able to do it.
For example...
′′ A town is full of chimney.
Smoke from there, moc mok on my head, black smoke and moc mok.
Moc. from morning to night.
People who live in a town are trapped in black smoke and don't know the blue sky. I don't know the shining stars.
In a city that abandoned looking up, one man looked up.
The Black smoke that covered the town, the man made his thoughts on the dream that the heyyy mole I met at the bar told me.
The story of the world across the smoke. The story of the shining world.
I thought it wouldn't be, but I can't say it at all.
Because no one has gone. No one has the answer.
Then the man shouted over and over again, day and night, the story of the world across the smoke, but he was told that he was stupid, and he was cut off as a hola.
What the hell did a man do?
Who did the man hurt?
There is no reason there.
In the town that abandoned looking up, a big choir of ′′ conspicuous,"
In a town that abandoned looking up, if you speak your dreams, you will be laughed, and if you act, you will be slapped.
Black smoke swallows the town and doesn't allow the light of all times.
Black smoke swallows people and doesn't acknowledge every courage.
And yet the man gave a voice, trembling his knees, and he got into the ship and went to the sea.
It was in a dark and scary sea.
I was in the sea with no one ′′
This is the line of the scene of the protagonist boy's father showing off his own kamishibai, but now I didn't write it while watching something, and I'm memorizing this much.
As a person who gives instructions, this is so much.
This is the kind of thing that ′′ I remembered while I've been doing it many times," so it's not talent or sense.
This is the professional.
If you'd like, once you'd like to be my company intern student, near me, take a look at my work.
I think I'm probably going to despair lol
I said it earlier, but I want to tell you that ′′ effort is saying things," and in the future, I would like to make an appeal that I have been actively working hard.
That's right.
The movie is on December 25th, but on the night of December 25th, I'm going to have a live broadcast on Youtube, and I'm going to have a good time with the movie," the scene over there, actually ○○ I want to talk about ′′ what is it so go see the movie on the first day.
While you're in the middle of the day, mark your schedule for December 25th.
Well, I'm going to go to the recording of the movie ′′ a in town ′′
▼ an article about the latest entertainment business of ryo nishino (1 articles = 2000 to 3000 characters) can be read every morning online salon (almost mail magazine) is here ↓
division of labor 在 division of labour | Britannica 的相關結果
division of labour, the separation of a work process into a number of tasks, with each task performed by a separate person or group of persons. ... <看更多>
division of labor 在 DIVISION OF LABOUR在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 的相關結果
division of labour 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a way of organizing work, especially making things, so that particular types of work are done by… ... <看更多>
division of labor 在 Division of labour - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Division of labour, instead, refers to the allocation of tasks to individuals or organisations according to the skills and/or equipment those people or ... ... <看更多>